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Check Out Our Committee Teams

NATWRC offers various committees for members to get involved and contribute to the organization. These committees focus on different aspects! By joining a committee, members can share their skills and passion for American Teddywidders and make a difference in the community and help shape the future of NATWRC.

Communications Committee:

Chair: Neva Stroud


Erin Lumkin

Kim Saxon Mass

Michelle Dallmann

Angel Jefferson

Virtual Show Committee:

Chair: Neva Stroud


Theresa O'Day

Michelle Dallmann

 Jamie Hullenbaugh

Gina Zalar Fisher

Kim Saxon Mass

Dee Chappelle

Newsletter Committee:

Chair: Carrita Kittzen


Theresa O'Day

Dee Chappelle

Erin Lumkin

Fundraising   Committee:

Chair: Kim Saxon Mass


Carrita Kittzen

Cheryl Landers

Gina Zalar Fisher

Erin Lumkin

Standards   Committee:

Chair: Theresa O'Day


Gina Zalar Fisher

Neva Stroud

Carrita Kittzen

Kim Saxon Mass

Linda Hibbert

Huntsville Show   Committee:

Chair: Neva Stroud


Michelle Dallmann

 Dee Chappelle

Kim Saxon Mass

Pendleton Show   Committee:

Chair: Neva Stroud


Michelle Dallmann

Dee Chappelle

 Erin Lumkin

 Kim Saxon Mass

"Team Teddywidder, we're a family bound, By our love for this breed, and our commitment to excellence found."

"A breed of distinction, with a heritage so fine, American Teddywidder, a true treasure of mine!"

The North American Teddywidder Rabbit Club 

©January 14th, 2022 by North American Teddywidder Rabbit Club.

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